Love Song

"Here it is." Gilang handed a can of coffee to Karin.

Karin smiles.

"And don't sing that song!"

Karin laughed, "Why?"

"Then why you keep singing that song when I give you a cup of coffee?"

Karin still laughed, "A cup? It is a can."

Gilang rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

"Why you keep complaining then?"

"I just...get jealous of that coffee and tea. You always singing that you love them when you meet them. And you don't sing any song when you meet me."

Karin laughed louder and start singing.

I love coffee, I love tea
I love the java jive and it loves me
Coffee and tea and the java and me
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup!

"Stop it! It's annoying you know!"

Karin keep continuing singing her song

I love java sweet and hot
Oops, Mr. Gilang I'm a coffee pot
Shoot me the pot and I'll pour me the pot
A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup*1

"Stop, please!"

Karin laughed, "So, you want me to sing a song for you every time we meet?"

Gilang smiles and nooded.

"What song?"

Silent. They both thinking what song that match to their relationship.

I'm gonna love you
Like I'm gonna loose you
I'm gonna hold you
Like we're saying good bye

Karin and Gilang accidentally singing that song together.

They both smile widely. And continue singing that song together.

Wherever we standing, I won't take it for granted
'cause we don't know when,
When we'll run out of time*2

"Keep loving me like that." Gilang said seriously.

Karin nodded, "You too."

"I promise." Gilang eyes meets Karin's

Karin smiles widely.

1: Ze Slowami - Java Jive

2: Meghan trainor feat. John Legend - Like I'm gonna loose you

*Iya, Bahasa Inggrisnya berantakan. Namanya juga belajar. Caooo.


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